Jan 18, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Academic Affairs


Academic Affairs promotes excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. The division fosters a student-centered learning environment grounded in a liberal education. Academic Affairs nurtures a community of learners committed to ethical behavior, intellectual curiosity, personal growth, accountability, and global involvement. 


Grade Policies 

The University uses letters to indicate quality of academic work. “A” is the highest grade; “D” is the lowest passing grade, except when a “C” is required. The grade “F” indicates a failure to meet the minimum requirements of a course. Grade distinctions and quality point values are:

Grade Explanation Grade Points
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failure 0
W Withdrew* (withdrew before deadline; no academic penalty) 0
WF Withdrew, Failing (withdrew after deadline; counted as F in GPA) 0
I Incomplete* 0
P Passing* 0
S Satisfactory* 0
U Unsatisfactory* 0
IP In Progress* 0
V Audit* 0
K Credit* (credit by examination) 0

*Indicates grades not included in calculation of grade point average


Grade Symbols

# (Academic Renewal) - Course grade not counted in computation of Grade Point Average and hours earned
% (Learning Support) - Course grade not counted in computation of Grade Point Average and hours earned
E (Course Repeated/Excluded) - Course grade excluded from grade point average and hours earned
I (Course Repeated/Included) - Course grade included in grade point average and hours earned
V (Audit) - This symbol indicates permission to sit for a course without receiving quality points or a grade other than “V.” Students may not transfer from audit to credit or vice versa. Students may register on a credit basis for a course that has previously been
K (Credit) - This symbol indicates credit for the course via a credit by examination program approved by the faculty of the University. A “K” may be assigned for courses that have previously been audited if institutional procedures for credit by examination are followed.

Incomplete Grade Policy

An incomplete (“I”) grade indicates that the student was doing satisfactory work, but for extenuating non-academic reasons beyond their control, were unable to meet the requirements of the course. The extenuating circumstance must occur within the last month of the semester. Students may remove the “I” grade by completing the remaining requirements. The instructor is responsible for keeping a record of all “I” grades assigned and the justification as to why the professor assigned the student the “I” grade.

Ideally, an “I” grade should be removed during the following semester, but no later than one calendar year post the assignment of the incomplete. If the incomplete grade is not satisfactorily removed by the end of one calendar year, it will be changed to an “F” by the Office of the Registrar and the student must retake the course to receive credit. Students are responsible for initiating the completion of requirements with the instructor.

The “I” grade will not be given to a student:

  • Who is not passing the course (i.e., who had unsatisfactory performance on the work completed).
  • Who has a record of poor attendance.
  • As a substitute for a failing grade.
  • To provide an opportunity for doing additional work after the submission of final grades to improve the grade in a course.

For financial aid purposes a grade of “I” (incomplete) is counted as an F.  Grade changes received after the first 10 days of the following semester will not be included in the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculation.

Reporting of Grades

At mid-term and at the end of the semester, faculty members submit grade reports through PAWS. At the end of each semester, grades are provided to students electronically, which notes the grades and credit hours earned in each course in which they were enrolled, grade-point average for the semester, cumulative grade point average, and academic standing.

Mid-term grade reports are required to help students identify their progress in classes and assist advisors in reaching out to at risk students.

Students can access grade information through PAWS.

Calculating the Cumulative Average

Determinations of scholastic standing are generally based upon a cumulative grade point average, which appears on student’s permanent record. The cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points or quality points earned in academic courses by the total number of academic credit hours attempted at Savannah State University. Credits by examination, credits that carry S/U grades, and credits specifically excluded by University policy are not used in computing the cumulative grade point average.

Repeating of Courses

Students may repeat courses in which grades D, F, or WF were earned. The highest grade will count in computing the grade point average for degree requirements. If the same grade is earned, the most recent grade will count in the grade point average calculations. Courses may be repeated any time before the first degree is awarded.

  • Earned hours will be applied only once toward graduation requirements.
  • It is recommended that students not repeat any courses for credit in which they have earned a grade of C or better.
  • All attempted courses and grades will remain on the academic transcript. The previous attempts will be noted but excluded from GPA calculations.

Students who are planning to apply for admission to graduate school should take note that most graduate/professional schools recalculate GPAs based upon all courses that students have attempted during their college career. Thus, any repeated courses may include both grades in consideration for graduate school admission.

Transient Policy

Savannah State University students who are concurrently enrolled in courses for credit at another institution may not transfer such credit to Savannah State unless the appropriate dean or his designated representative gives written authorization.


Undergraduate students are classified based on earned academic credit hours as follows:

Freshman: 0-29 or less semester hours earned
Sophomore: 30-59 semester hours earned
Junior: 60-89 semester hours earned
Senior: 90 or more semester hours earned

Grade Changes/Grade Appeal

Once a grade has been reported, it can be changed only if one of the following conditions are met:

  • The instructor presents to the dean of the college conclusive, documentary evidence that the grade was reported in error;
  • The instructor follows the procedure of removal of an I (Incomplete) grade;
  • The instructor follows the procedure of removal of an NR (Not Reported) grade

Please Note: The Student is to initiate the Grade Appeal Process, using the Grade Appeal Form, when there is no grade resolution between faculty and student. The Student is expected to file the Grade Appeal Form by the first day of classes of the subsequent semester.
Step 1: Using your SSU student email, complete the form, attach all supporting documentation, and submit to the faculty member of the concerned course. Copy the Department Chair (or the Program Coordinator, in the absence of a Department Chair) on the email. Supporting documentation should include:
•The course syllabus
•Graded assignments for the course
•D2L grade summary for the course
•Any other relevant materials
The faculty member will review the grade appeal via email and communicate the decision to the student within three business days, with a copy to the Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only). The faculty member will approve or deny the student’s grade appeal.

Step 2: Should the faculty member deny the grade appeal, the student can submit the grade appeal via email within one business day of the denial to the concerned Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only). The grade appeal request should be accompanied by 1) the form and all supporting documentation and 2) communication with the concerned faculty member regarding the grade appeal. The Department Chair (or Program Coordinator for COBA only), will review the grade appeal as soon as possible and communicate the decision to the student via email with a copy to the Dean. The Department Chair (or Program Coordinator for COBA only) will approve or deny the student’s grade appeal.

Step 3: Should the Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only), deny the grade appeal, the student can submit the grade appeal via email within one business day of the denial to the concerned Dean. The appeal request should be accompanied by 1) the form and all supporting documentation and 2) communication with the concerned faculty member and Department Chair (the Program Coordinator for COBA only) regarding the grade appeal. The Dean will review the grade appeal as soon as possible and communicate the decision to the student via email with a copy to the Office of Academic Affairs.


The transcript is considered the official document of record of a student’s grades while in attendance at the institution. In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), transcripts normally are issued only at the request of the student. This request can be made online. There is a fee of $4.00 per transcript. The institution has a legal right to deny a transcript if a student has indebtedness to the institution. The amount of indebtedness leading to this sanction will be determined by the Student Financial Services Office.

Good Standing, Academic Probation and Suspension

Policy on Academic Good Standing, Probation and Suspension Pertaining to Undergraduates

At the end of each semester, the Office of the Registrar computes cumulative institutional grade point averages in order to determine the academic standing of all students. Undergraduate students whose cumulative institutional grade point average at the end of any term will be considered in good standing based on the following minimum requirements:

Freshman (0-29 attempted hours) - 1.5 GPA and above
Sophomore (30-59 attempted hours) - 1.75 GPA and above
Junior and Senior (60+ attempted hours) - 2.0 and above

Academic Warning

Students who do not meet the minimum requirements will be placed on Academic Warning. This status is considered good standing for the purposes of enrollment. Students under Academic Warning will be able to continue enrollment during the next semester but are limited to 13 credit hours.

Academic Probation

Students on Academic Warning who do not meet the minimum institutional GPA requirements will be placed on Academic Probation.

This status is considered good standing for the purposes of enrollment. Students on Academic Probation will be able to continue enrollment during the next semester. Students on academic probation are expected to use their probationary semester to focus on their academic success and recover their academic progress. To assist students in achieving these goals, students on probation are subject to the following restrictions:

(1) Students on probation must meet with an advisor before the start of class to be advised on necessary schedule adjustments.

(2) Enrollment is limited to a maximum of 13 credit hours for the semester;

Additionally, students on academic probation will not be permitted to represent the University or hold office in any University organization.

Students who raise their cumulative institutional grade point average to 2.0 or higher at the end of their probationary semester will be removed from probation. A student on probation, who has earned the minimum GPA requirements for the semester, but has not achieved good standing (i.e. cumulative institutional GPA does not meet minimum standards), will remain on probation until the student meets the minimum cumulative institutional GPA requirement for academic good standing.

Academic Suspension

Students on Academic Probation who do not improve their GPA to meet the minimum cumulative institutional grade point average to remain in good standing will be subject to academic suspension.

Students suspended for the first time must sit out the next semester.

Students suspended for the second time must sit out the next two semesters.

Third suspension will be considered the final suspension and students may be subject to academic expulsion from the university.

Students who have been academically suspended from the University must complete a readmission application with the Registrar’s Office and appeal to Academic Affairs at the end of their suspension in order to return to the University. Such students must convincingly demonstrate readiness to assume academic responsibilities. The policy for satisfactory academic progress for financial aid purposes is not the same as the university academic standing policy. Students who are interested in receiving financial aid must also submit an Appeal for Financial Aid Suspension.

Semester Honors

Persons who have not been subject to disciplinary action while earning superior grades and who have not incurred any academic deficiencies are eligible for honors status as indicated:

Honor Roll: Students who maintain a GPA of 3.0-3.49 while full time (12 hours) during a semester
Dean’s List: Students who maintain a GPA of 3.50-3.99 while full time (12 hours) during a semester
President’s List: Students who maintain a GPA of 4.0 while full time (12 hours) during a semester

Degree and Graduation Requirements

All candidates for a degree must file a formal application for graduation with the Registrar’s Office and pay the graduation application fee two semesters preceding their expected graduation date. The Registrar’s Office conducts an independent audit to ensure that all degree requirements have been satisfied.

Degrees will be awarded only to students who meet all degree requirements. Degrees are conferred formally at commencement exercises at the end of the Fall and Spring Semesters. Students who complete degree requirements in the Summer semester will be invited to participate in the Fall commencement ceremony. Summer degrees will be awarded and posted to the academic transcript at the end of the Summer semester.

All Undergraduates earning Associate or Baccalaureate degrees must meet the following requirements:

  • Students must have a minimum of 60 semester hours to earn an Associate degree and 120 semester hours to earn a Bachelor degree. Students should check their specific program of study for total semester hour requirements.
  • Students must have a cumulative institutional and overall GPA of 2.0
  • Students must complete all course requirements for outstanding Incomplete (I) grades
  • Students must submit all transcripts from other institutions they attended
  • Students must meet the residency requirements for their degree: 25% of coursework must be taken at SSU for all degrees; 50% of the major must be taken at SSU for Bachelor degrees
  • Students are requirement to satisfy all Board of Regents requirements, including legislative requirements and all Required High School Curriculum requirements
  • Students must pass Core Area A courses with a grade of C or better. Students should refer to their specific program of study for other courses that require a grade of C or better.
  • As conditions of graduation, the University and academic departments may require students to take additional competency tests appropriate to their programs of study. Information relative to these tests is available in the academic departments.

Graduation with Honors

Graduation with honors requires a minimum of sixty institutional credit hours. In addition, students who graduate with honors must attain the following grade-point averages:

Cum Laude 3.25 - 3.49
Magna Cum Laude 3.5 - 3.74
Summa Cum Laude 3.75 - 4.00

Due to processing and final evaluation time constraints, Spring Semester grades for May and Fall Semester grades for December will not be used in computing the GPA for honors for the purposes of the commencement ceremony. After May and December final grades are processed, the GPA is rechecked for honors qualifications; the eligible honors designation will then be added to the student’s transcript and diploma.

Permission to Participate in Commencement 

Candidates for graduation may request to participate in the commencement ceremony scheduled one semester prior to completing degree requirements. The following are the minimum requirements to participate in commencement:

  • No more than 6 semester hours are needed to complete degree requirements in the semester following commencement.
  • Graduation application must be submitted by the graduation application deadline of the commencement term.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0 for undergraduates (Associate/Bachelor degrees) and 3.0 for graduates (Master degrees)
  • Registration for required classes needed in the following semester
  • Approval from academic department

Candidates for graduation that do not meet the minimum requirements will be invited to participate in the commencement ceremony after completion of all degree requirements.

Dual Degrees and Double Major Graduation Requirements

Dual degrees are earned when a student satisfies all requirements for two different baccalaureate degrees (for example, B.A. and B.S.) within one or more colleges of Savannah State University.

A double major consists of two separate majors in the same baccalaureate degree (for example, B.S. with majors in Sociology and Political Science). A double major is earned when the student completes discipline-specific requirements for each of the majors and all requirements for the degree. Both Area Fs may be satisfied by meeting the requirements for the first major. However, all pre-requisite requirements for major courses must be completed.

2nd Degree Policy (Post Baccalaureate)

Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution may obtain a second baccalaureate degree from Savannah State University by completing the following requirements:

  • Complete all major requirements listed for the chosen program of study.
  • Earn at least 30 semester hours in residence at Savannah State University.
  • Complete at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall in addition to hours used towards the first baccalaureate degree.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history and constitutions of the United States and of Georgia. Students who did not earned their first degree at a USG or TCSG school, must satisfy this requirement by taking the Georgia Government exam or taking both POLS 1101  and HIST 2111 /HIST 2112  

State Legislative Requirement in History and Government

By State law, students who receive a diploma or certificate from a school supported by the State of Georgia must demonstrate proficiency in United States history and government and in Georgia history and government. Students at Savannah State University may demonstrate such proficiency by receiving credit in certain courses: United States and Georgia government POLS 1101  for United States and Georgia government; HIST 2111  or HIST 2112  for United States and Georgia history.

Major Curriculum

In addition to the required core curriculum, which is usually completed in the first two years of college attendance, students will select a major field of study that focuses attention during the second two years of study. Area F of the core curriculum (courses appropriate to the field of study) provides a foundation for the major field of study and should be completed prior to students’ undertaking major courses. Plans and requirements for the various major programs are detailed in the sections of this catalog, which describe the University’s four colleges.

Minor Curriculum

While students are all required to complete the core and a major curriculum, completing a minor program is an additional option. A minor consists of a set of 15-17 credit hours in a specific field of study. Some major programs require students to complete formal minor programs while others do not. Formal minor programs are established in a variety of fields. Requirements are listed in this catalog along with the departments sponsoring them. Informal minors may be developed by acquiring any set of 18 credit hours of upper-division course work in any field for which such work is offered. Students often find that completing a minor curriculum is a valuable professional asset for use in the highly competitive world following graduation.


A minor area of study requires a minimum of 15 semester credit hours. At least 9 of these credit hours must be at the 3000 level or higher. Courses taken to satisfy Core Area A through E may not be counted as coursework in the minor. Students may add minors at any time prior to graduation. To be noted on the transcript, a minor must be declared at the time of graduation and noted on the graduation application.

Posthumous Degrees/Certificate of Attendance Policy and Procedures

  1. This policy applies to all degree-granting colleges and units.
  2. In appropriate situations, Savannah State University may honor a deceased student by granting a degree posthumously. By recommending a student for a posthumous degree, the department is agreeing to waive any remaining requirements for graduation. The University determines that a deceased student has completed sufficient coursework to earn a degree. This status will be reserved for those students who are in good standing, and who have made substantial progress toward their degrees. The procedure for granting a degree posthumously will be as follows:
    • The deceased student will be recommended for the honor as appropriate (associate/bachelor, or master degrees) by the Division of Academic Affairs taking into consideration the totality of circumstances, totally within the discretion of the Division of Academic Affairs. The request will be reviewed by the student’s major department
    • The student would have successfully completed 75% of an undergraduate degree, or 90% of a graduate degree and met the GPA requirements for that degree
    • At the time of death, the student had no disciplinary sanctions pending
    • The Office of Academic Affairs will determine if the student’s name may be included in the next commencement exercises and that the student’s family is notified of the granting of the degree
    • A student who did not meet the above requirements for a posthumous degree may be considered for a Certificate of Attendance.

Class Regulations

The University policy governing semester academic course load for full-time status is as follows:

Undergraduate Full Time Status: 12 credit hours
Maximum semester hour limit: 18 credit hours

In accordance with USG’s Momentum Year, students are generally expected to enroll in at least 15 hours per semester to remain on track to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in 4 years.


Permission to enroll for more than 18 semester hours will be granted by the appropriate Dean to a student:

  • with an average grade of “B” for full-time enrollment in the preceding semester, or
  • with an overall grade-point average of 3.0 or
  • requiring an extra course in one of the two semesters prior to graduation

No student will be allowed to register for more than 21 hours. A student who is on academic probation will not be permitted to register for more than 13 semester hours. Only the appropriate Dean may make exceptions to these limitations.

Class Attendance

Savannah State University endeavors to provide optimum conditions for the intellectual growth and development of its students. With the exception of University approved activities, it is expected that students should attend and be punctual to their classes, laboratories, and scheduled class requirements. Students who are absent because of participation in approved University activities will be permitted to make up work missed during their absences, provided that no more than 15% of class hours per course per term are missed and that work is assigned for completion prior to the University sanctioned activity.

All matters related to student absences, including the make-up of work missed, are to be arranged between the student and the instructor. Instructors will publish their guidelines for handling absences in their syllabi. Students are obligated to adhere to the requirements of each course. Faculty members are encouraged to take into consideration religious holidays of the student’s faith, summons, jury duty, or similar compelling reasons for absences.

Verification of Attendance is required by faculty for all classes during the attendance verification period published on the academic calendar. Students will be dropped for non-attendance if reported as not attending during the attendance verification period.

Late Add/Drop Policy

During the late add/drop period, students may adjust their schedules without financial or academic penalty. Refer to the Academic Calendar for the late add/drop period dates. 

After the late add/drop period, students may withdraw from a class until Withdrawal without Academic Penalty deadline. Refer to the Academic Calendar for the Withdrawal without Academic Penalty deadline. Students will not be refunded for classes from which they have withdrawn. A grade of W will be assigned for any class withdrawn by the deadline, and a grade of WF will be assigned for any class withdrawn after the deadline through the last day of classes.

Withdrawing from the University

Savannah State is not obligated to drop students for failure to attend classes. It is the student’s obligation to drop classes, and students’ failure to officially drop a course prior to the end of the add/drop period could lead to financial and academic consequences.

After the late add/drop period and prior to the midterm, students may withdraw every class except the last class using the online registration process in PAWS. In order to withdraw the last class, an electronic withdrawal form must be submitted. Students will automatically receive a W, if they officially withdraw before the published deadline. For all academic dates, including add/drop period and withdrawal deadlines, please refer to the published academic calendar.

Types of withdrawals:

  • Withdrawal before midterm
  • Withdrawal after midterm
  • Hardship withdrawals
  • Military Withdrawal
  • Administrative Withdrawals

Hardship Withdrawal from the University

Students may be granted hardship withdrawals when non-academic emergency situations occur which prevent them from completing their coursework (e.g., severe medical problems, traumatic events/circumstances that cause them to miss numerous classes).

Hardship withdrawals are subject to the following restrictions:

  • Students are not eligible for hardship withdrawals in any course in which they have completed the course requirements (for example, taking the final exam or submitting the final project).
  • Students must have supporting documents to receive a hardship withdrawal.
  • Students must initiate an application for a hardship withdrawal no later than one academic year after the semester in which the courses were taken.
  • Hardship status applies to all courses taken in a semester.

Military Withdrawal

A student who is on active duty or is a military reservist (including members of the National Guard) may withdraw from the University if called for active duty or reassignment. The student must officially withdraw and submit Official Orders to Active Duty to the Office of Academic Affairs within three (3) working weeks of actual receipt of said orders. The student is not eligible for a military withdrawal in any course in which the student has completed the course requirements (for example, taking the final exam or submitting the final paper) and/or a final grade has been assigned. Students who withdraw and receive a full tuition refund will receive a grade of “WM” (military withdrawal) for all courses from which the student has withdrawn.

Administrative Withdrawals

In the judgment of the authorized University officials, a student may be withdrawn from the university for non-academic reasons when it is determined that the student has demonstrated behavior that:

Poses a significant danger or threat of physical harm to self or to the person or property of others; or

Interferes with the rights and privileges of other members of the university community or with the exercise of any proper activities or functions of the university or its personnel.

Except in situations where the student is believed to be an imminent threat to self or others, as determined at the sole discretion of the University, a student shall, upon request, be accorded due process concerning his or her continued enrollment at the university. In situations involving an imminent threat, the student will be provided a hearing as soon as possible after the withdrawal occurs. The instructor will assign students who are non-academically withdrawn a grade of “W” or “WF” (depending on whether they have exceeded their maximum number of withdrawals allowed) if they are withdrawn before the semester midterm “W” and a “WF” if they are withdrawn after the midterm.

Students, who cease attending all classes without officially withdrawing, will be administratively withdrawn from the university. Upon submission of final grades for a term, instructors are required to indicate the last day of attendance for each failing grade (F) submitted. In compliance with Title IV regulations for unofficial withdrawals, students who have failing grades of “F” in all classes, and whose last date of attendance is the 50% point of the semester or below will be considered as unofficially withdrawn from the University and reported as such.

Access to Student Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), which is designed to protect the students’ rights with regard to education records maintained by the institution, cover Savannah State University. Under the Act, students may inspect and review their own education records maintained by the institution and challenge the content of records (except grades which can only be challenged through the academic appeal procedure) on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of privacy or other rights; and control disclosures from educational records with certain exceptions.

Savannah State University’s policy on “Access to Student Records” complies with the provisions of FERPA. A copy of this policy and a copy of a summary of the FERPA regulations may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar. Students also have the right to file complaints with the FERPA Office of the Department of Education, Washington, D.C., 20201.

Release of Directory Information

Directory information will be treated as public information and generally will be available on all students and former students at the discretion of the University. Savannah State has defined Directory information to include the student’s name, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees awarded, hometown, participation in recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic participants. Students, or parents of students who are under eighteen, may refuse to permit the release of any or all of the categories of directory information by submitting a written request to the Office of the Registrar.

Inquiries from news media about students or former students should be made to the Marketing and Communications department. Due to the unpredictable nature and immediacy of media inquiries, notice cannot be given of media releases (non-athletic).

Change of Address

Students are responsible for updating their address in PAWS. The mailing of notices to the last address on record constitutes official notification.

Student Academic Grievance Procedures

Original Jurisdiction

Academic Grievances should first be reported to the academic department. If the appeal cannot be resolved by the department, it will be escalated to the College. As the final authority on decisions about academic grievances, Academic Affairs will make any final decision needed.

Right of Appeal

Appeals shall be available to every student in an academic grievance proceeding against the University.

Appellate Procedure

When a decision of original jurisdiction has been rendered, the grievant shall have seven (7) working days to appeal this decision. All appeals shall be in writing and supporting documents must be presented to the dean of the college.

Within three (3) days, appellants shall be given, in writing, all charges upon which the original decision was based as well as all necessary information for the appellate hearing procedures. Appellants shall be guaranteed a speedy hearing, yet given adequate time to prepare their defense.

Jurisdiction of Appeal

The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall make the decision regarding all appeals. The Vice President shall have the prerogative of either creating a special committee or using an independent officer to assist in hearing the case.

Rights of Appellant

Grievant shall have the right to be present when all evidence is presented against them and all witnesses appear, have an advisor (non-lawyer) present to assist throughout the proceedings, cross-examine witnesses, present evidence by witness or affidavit, and present evidence by deposition when a witness is unable to appear.

Hearing Procedures

A record shall be kept of the entire proceedings, by either tape or stenographer. The hearing will commence by a reading of the charges and the decision of the department of original jurisdiction. Evidence will be presented to sustain the decision.

Disciplinary Interim Suspension

A student who has been summarily suspended after mid-term of the semester pursuant to the Savannah State University Student Conduct Code pending the outcome of a disciplinary hearing will not be eligible for withdrawal from the University until the final disposition of the case. Should the student be found guilty of violating the Student Conduct Code or plead “no contest”, the student will receive failing grades from the date of the summary suspension and forfeit the semester. Should the student be found not guilty, the Vice President for Student Affairs will provide written notification to the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the disposition. Should the student desire to withdraw, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will accept a petition from the student and grant an automatic withdrawal without penalty and forward the withdrawal approval to the appropriate offices.

Classification of Courses

Student Status Number Range
Institutional 0001 - 0999
Lower Division 1000 - 2999
Upper Division 3000 - 4999
Master Level 5000 & above

Credit Course Description

Under each course title, there are three numbers, such as 3-0-3. The first number listed is the number of hours of lecture; the second number indicates the number of hours of laboratory; and the third number indicates the number of credit hours awarded for successful completion of the course.

Online Education

Online Education is to provide high quality learning and flexibility for our students, faculty, and staff. Brightspace/D2L may be used to access SSU eLearning and USG eCore courses. The Center for Teaching and Faculty Development provides training for faculty and assists with instructional design for future courses. All users have access to resolve issues and faculty can review available resources to aid in course development.

Online courses are taken exclusively over the Internet. There are no required on-campus meetings. Hybrid courses are held both on campus and online. They are traditional face-to-face courses in which some of the on-campus class meetings are replaced with online assignments. Web-enhanced courses are traditional face-to-face courses that are augmented by course websites. Unlike the class meetings for hybrid courses, the class meetings for web-enhanced courses are all scheduled on campus unless classes are redirected for special activities.

Code Category Description

  • Entirely at a distance (E)
  • Fully at a distance (F): All or nearly all of the class sessions are delivered via technology. The course does not require students to travel to a classroom for instruction; however, it might require students to travel to a site to attend an orientation or to take exams. (NOTE: This is generally equivalent to delivering more than 95 percent of sessions via technology.)
  • Hybrid (H): Technology is used to deliver 50 percent or less of class sessions, but at least one class session is replaced by technology.
  • Technology enhanced (T): Technology is used in delivering instruction to all students in the section, but no class sessions are replaced by technology.
  • Null - No technology

Proctoring and Associated Fees

Savannah State University’s Testing Office provides free test proctoring services for Savannah State University online students who can attend specific testing sessions on campus at the Testing Office. Fees associated with Savannah State University’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Online program are embedded in tuition costs. BBA Online students can also utilize Proctor U, an organization that offers online proctoring services. Students can take examinations online at anytime, anywhere in a secure testing environment. For information on Proctor U registration for BBA Online students, contact the College of Business Administration at 912.358.3389.

Savannah State University students enrolled in fully online courses (not in the BBA online program) and do not reside in the Savannah area and must complete a proctored examination could incur additional charges for proctoring.

Savannah State University students who enroll in eCore courses are required to pay proctoring fees (which vary by college) for each examination required.

The eCore website states that each eCore course requires at least one proctored exam that requires a proctoring fee. For more information about eCore, classes and requirements please visit: https://ecore.usg.edu/.


Reserve Officer Training Corps (Military Service Commissioning Opportunities)

Through the University’s Army, Naval and Coast Guard Reserve Officer Training Corp Programs, Savannah State University students can prepare for commissioned service as regular or reserve officers in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard, commensurate with earning their degree. The Army and Naval ROTC Programs constitute an academic minor in military and naval science, respectively. For further information, contact Army ROTC at (912) 325-4270, or Navy ROTC at (912) 358-3095 or Coast Guard at (912) 447-0832.

International Education Center

The mission of the International Education Center (IEC) at Savannah State University is to promote and support efforts to internationalize the university’s curriculum and to expose students to our global society. The IEC provides a clearinghouse for information relative to international educational opportunities and programs for students, faculty and staff. It facilitates and supports faculty and student exchanges, study abroad programs, and research cooperatives with foreign institutions.

The university’s International Education Center (IEC) offers students access to study abroad opportunities in several countries. In the past, SSU faculty have hosted short-term study abroad programs to: Brazil, Costa Rica, Egypt, Ghana, Haiti, Nigeria, Liberia, India, China, Trinidad and Tobago, Vietnam and Thailand. As a part of the University System of Georgia’s European Council, students and faculty are welcome to join the conglomerate of state institutions traveling to places like Paris, London, Madrid, Scotland, and Ireland. Students can explore additional travel opportunities with other colleges and universities within the University System of Georgia as transient students.

The IEC also provides services to a growing number of international students from more than 40 countries. Students from around the world come to complete degrees at Savannah State. A number of students will begin their time at the university as a member of our English Language Institute and later transition to regular degree level programs. The center is designed to assist new international students with orientation, advisement, processing paperwork, as well as helping students adapt to cultural differences experienced while living in the United States. Our campus hosts students from a multitude of countries including: Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Brazil, The Bahamas, Antigua, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Columbia, Russia, Georgia, Canada, India, Jamaica, South Korea, and China.

In 2014, the International Education Center and the Chinese government launched The Confucius Institute on our campus. This institute promotes Chinese language and culture, allowing Savannah State University to expand these services to the City of Savannah and the region as a whole. Students and faculty have opportunities to travel to China to conduct research and increase their skills in Chinese language. United States business leaders benefit from the institute’s partnerships, utilizing programs designed to teach American industries how to do business with China. The business exchange hosts programs for Chinese investors interested in discovering investment opportunities in Savannah.

On January 28, 2019, Savannah State University went “Global,” as a member of the University System of Georgia’s system-wide consortia study abroad programs known as USG Goes Global! USG Goes Global is an administrative unit of the University System of Georgia (USG) that partners with USG institutions to provide quality, affordable, and impactful faculty-led study abroad experiences open to all USG undergraduate students. USG Goes Global offers an interesting mix of core and special topics courses in international locations, attractive to undergraduates at any stage of their academic career. Additionally, by leveraging the power of the entire university system, USG Goes Global will keep programs affordable, safe and manageable by using innovative technology, existing USG systems and proven study abroad best practices.

Approximately 30 years ago, the USG assisted in the creation of one study abroad program to London via the USG European World Regional Council. Currently the USG European and Asian World Regional Councils actively offer 10 study abroad programs that serve more than 300 USG students each summer. The USG World Regional Councils will continue to exist, as they always have to provide opportunities for both students and faculty to broaden their understanding of individual world regions by promoting activities that enrich teaching and research about these regions.

With the creation of USG Goes Global, the USG will take-on the administrative burden of running study abroad programs from the World Regional Councils, so that faculty can concentrate more on academic oversight and offering impactful experiences on the ground. Currently USG Goes Global is working to fold in the programs offered by the USG European World Regional Council and by 2020; we plan to incorporate the USG Asia World Regional Council programs. Going forward USG Goes Global plans to offer study abroad programs in all areas represented by the USG World Regional Councils, which include Europe and Asia, as well as Africa, Americas and Middle East.

The USG Goes Global program will utilize the USG created Intra-Georgia Registration Sharing System (INGRESS), a multi-institutional registration system, to facilitate enrollments and provide an electronic classroom for all faculty teaching on USG Goes Global programs. Additionally, in the same manner as other collaborative programs created by the USG, USG Goes Global will pay institutions a competitive rate for faculty teaching on our summer study abroad programs. In doing so, the USG will attract faculty across the entire USG and thereby provide both students and faculty with impactful experiences abroad.

For further information, contact the International Education Center (IEC) at (912) 358-4152.

The English Language Institute (ELI)

The English Language Institute is a program that is a non-credit program offered to international and immigrant student populations. Students who enroll in the English Language Institute take intensive classes in Listening/Speaking, Writing/Grammar, Reading, and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. Voice and Articulation and Cultural Enrichment are infused into the program as well. The Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for the ELI are Grammar, Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

Honors Program

The Savannah State University Honors Program is designed to provide SSU’s exceptional and high-achieving students with innovative honors courses and enriching co-curricular activities as they embark on the path to becoming global leaders.

Honors at SSU provides for expansive collaborations between faculty and students who engage in service-learning activities within local, national, and global communities. The program supports and motivates students in the pursuit of their academic and professional goals such as study abroad /study away, international internships, research and service learning projects. Upon acceptance into the Honors Program students enjoy the following benefits:

  • Residence among honors peers in Camille-Hubert Hall, a living-learning community.
  • Program courses such as Honors Seminar, Honors designation and Honors Enhanced Opportunities.
  • Program coordinators to refine academic plans and research agendas.
  • Mentoring amongst the network of SSU’s globally, renowned alumni.
  • Engaged service-learning projects laden with intrinsic value.
  • Access to internships as well as study away and study abroad opportunities.

Located in Gardner Hall, the Honors Program at SSU is nurtured in an intellectually creative atmosphere for inquisitive and highly motivated scholars, who intend to extend their educational experiences beyond the scope of the traditional undergraduate curriculum.

Honors Program Scholarship Recipient Guidelines

The Honors Program Scholarship is a renewable, yearly commitment determined by the student’s ability to maintain a 3.4 grade point average (G.P.A.). Renewal of the scholarship is subject to the availability of funds. Scholarship allocations support tuition, room, board, books, and other mandatory on-campus fees. Scholarship allocation is dispersed equally among the fall and spring semesters. Allotments to student accounts occur after all other aid (i.e. Pell Grant, Hope Scholarship, etc.). The Honors Program scholarship is non-refundable.

Scholar Expectations

Students accepted into the SSU Honors Program are required to continuously matriculate while abiding by the policies of the Office of Financial Aid and its eligibility requirements (i.e. completing FAFSA paperwork by). Honors Program scholars are expected to graduate from Savannah State University within four years as socially conscious, global citizens, representing the SSU community while consistently displaying good character. A participant will be dismissed from the program for violating of the policies of the University System of Georgia and the Board of Regents, or those specified in the Savannah State University Student Code of Conduct (see Savannah State University’s Student Handbook and Code of Student Rights, Responsibility and Ethics).

University Library

The Asa H. Gordon Library supports the undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff of Savannah State University in their research, academic, and information needs through a wide variety of information resources and services.  

The library is centrally located within proximity to all instructional buildings on campus. Our resources include over 100 computers with internet access and printing capabilities in study and conference rooms, the reference area, and library classrooms.  

The library provides access to a wide range of materials across the disciplines taught at Savannah State, and in a variety of physical and digital formats. Many of our digital materials are accessible remotely, including scholarly journals, magazines and newspapers, as well as eBook collections and our full array of research guides. Many Special Collections (which includes the SSU Archives) documents have also been digitized and are available electronically in the SSU Digital Archives or Tiger Scholar Commons website. 

In addition to its resources and collections, the library also offers research assistance in the library or virtually using telephone, email, chat, or text messaging. Our librarians are faculty who enjoy engaging with course projects, meeting with large and small groups, and evaluating research projects. We offer special events, workshops, and drop-in service year ‘round.  

Our patrons have access to materials outside of Savannah State’s collection through GIL Express, an easy way to borrow materials from University System of Georgia institutions, and interlibrary loan from many other libraries across the nation at no cost. 

One of the most important services provided by the library is in-class instruction. In-class instruction is conducted by library faculty at the request of the teaching faculty to assist students in finding, evaluating, and citing information. 

 A valid SSU ID or an official picture ID-such as a driver’s license-is needed to borrow materials at the SSU library and from any university system library as a walk-up  patron or through interlibrary loan. While daily overdue fines are not charged, fees are charged for lost materials and any materials not returned in 56 days. All fees must be paid in full in order for students to register for classes, receive grades, borrow library materials, or receive an official transcript.  

Library staff invite students and faculty to assess library services and resources. The results of surveys and other assessment methods are used to improve library operations and services. We strive to be your go-to resource, and your input helps us keep growing.